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1. I feel greatly _______ by your invitation to address the meeting.

A. flattered B. fluttered C. clattered D. scattered

2. At the end of the match the ______ went wild with excitement.

A. audience B. viewers C. listeners D. spectators

3. I hope that you’ll be more careful in tying the letter. Don’t _____ anything.

A. lack B. withdraw C. omit D. leak

4. The world’s governments have done ______ nothing to combat the threat of nuclear accidents.

A. inherently B. vitally C. virtually D. identically [CET-6, 1995, 1]

5. The directions we were given were so ______ that we lost our way.

A. dim B. indefinite C. feeble D. shady

6. The traffic police were searching for evidence to prove the accused man’s ______, but in vain.

A. mistake B. guilt C. fault D. defeat [CET-6, 1996, 1]

7. We should hand down a cultural ____ to posterity.

A. morality B. heritage C. liability D. mortgage

8. One man had a _______ skull and needed a blood transfusion before the operation.

A. fractured B. slapped C. stunned D. crushed

9. Drunken driving will result in _______ traffic accidents.

A. catastrophic B. disastrous C. ruinous D. ruined

10. By law, when one makes a large purchase, he should have ______ opportunity to change his mind.

A. accurate B. urgent C. excessive D. adequate [CET-6, 2000, 6]

11. The unpleasant taste of the medicine ______ in his mouth for hours.

A. prolonged B. retrieved C. lingered D. scattered

12. The monument in the Tian’an men square ____ those who gave their lives for the new China.

A. celebrates B. commemorates C. recalls D. embodies

13. This year, we have an _____ amount of rain.

A. abnormal B. irregular C. deliberate D. primitive

14. We watched the mists ______ from the valley.

A. raising B. ascent C. ascending D. amounting

15. The firm ______ their appreciation of her work by raising her pay.

A. exemplified B. testified C. rectified D. qualified

16. He is holding a _______ position in the company and expects be promoted soon.

A. subordinate B. succeeding C. successive D. subsequent [CET-6, 1997, 1]

17. It is earnestly hoped that these bracelets of ours will be made with _____ workmanship.

A. extinct B. expansive C. exquisite D. external

18. If you want to get into that tunnel, you have to _____ away all the rocks.

A. repel B. haul C. transfer D. dispose [CET-6, 2000, 1]

19. The British Queen is the _______ of German President.

A. rival B. opponent C. counterpart D. equivalent

20. He tried to ascertain the identity of the writer of the _____ letter.

A. unanimous B. anonymous C. infamous D. autonomous


1. 答案为A。

A. flatter:奉承,使高兴,使感到荣幸 B. flutter:飘动,振动 C. clatter:发出劈啪声 D. scatter:分散,分布

2. 答案为D。

A. audience:观众,听众,常指观看戏剧、电影、讲演以及电视节目的观众 B. viewer:主要指电视观众 C. listener:听者,主要指收音机听众 D. spectator:一般指看体育运动比赛的观众

3. 答案为C.

A. lack:缺少,缺乏 B. withdraw:撤退,退出 C. omit:省略,遗漏 D. leak : 泄漏(水、汽等)

4. 答案为C,

A. inherently:天生地,本质地 B. vitally:致命地,生死攸关地 C. virtually:事实上,实际上 D. identically:完全相同地,同样地

5. 答案为B.

A. dim:昏暗的,光线不足的 B. indefinite:不确定的,不明确的 C. feeble:微弱的,虚弱的 D. shady:阴暗的,多阴影的

6. 答案为B,

A. mistake: 错误 B. guilt:罪行 C. fault: 过错,过失 D. defeat: 失败

7. 答案为B,

A. morality:尘世,不可免的死亡 B. heritage:遗产 C. liability:责任,(法律上的)义务 D. mortgage:抵押,抵押品

8. 答案为A.

A. fracture:(使)破裂,折断 B. slap:(用手掌)拍,击,掴 C. stun:使震惊,(打击头部)失去知觉 D. crush:压碎,压伤,榨

9. 答案为B.

A. catastrophic: B. disastrous C. ruinous D. ruined

10. 答案为D.

A. accurate B. urgent C. excessive D. adequate

11. 答案为C.

A. prolonged B. retrieved C. lingered D. scattered

12. 答案为B.

A. celebrates B. commemorates C. recalls D. embodies

13. 答案为A,

A. abnormal B. irregular C. deliberate D. primitive

14. 答案为C.

A. raising B. ascent C. ascending D. amounting

15. 答案为B, A. exemplified B. testified C. rectified D. qualified

16. 答案为A.

A. subordinate B. succeeding C. successive D. subsequent

17. 答案为C. A. extinct B. expansive C. exquisite D. external

18. 答案为B

A. repel B. haul C. transfer D. dispose

19. 答案为C,

A. rival B. opponent C. counterpart D. equivalent

20. 答案为B.

A. unanimous B. anonymous C. infamous D. autonomous

