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Aiming to increase staff productivity

Offering bonuses

Creating a pleasant environment


决策层 executive suite 竞争优势 competitive edge

举止优雅的,改良的,精致的 fefined



…. Sorry, but….

Just a moment, but…

Sorry to interrupt, but…

Excuse me, may I interrupt?


There are some tips about how to motivate staff and boost employee productivity. First of all, offering bonuses is a commonly-used way of praise, recognition and reward for achievements and successes, which will enhance the performance of employee greatly. Money satisfies needs and it can stimulate people to work harder.

A pleasant working environment is created to allow employees to take the initiative to get things done their way, while still working together as a team for the overall good of the company. Working happily and freely is equipped with more energy, less mistakes and better decisions.

Another way to motivate employees is to ensure the employees feel that they have an important role in the overall outcome of a company’s goal and have a big chance for advancement in their career to climb the corporate ladder until they reach the executive suite, which is an effective way to increase employee job satisfaction and productivity.

Besides, staff training can help all staff develop their own skills and understand the importance of their duties in the company. Well-trained staff with refined skills will cultivate loyalty through satisfied employees, maintain workplace productivity and give the company a strong competitive edge.



Aiming to keep good staff

Promotion opportunities



高级人才 top talent 骄傲感 a sense of pride

提高工资 pay increase 扶助,增强 boost up

分红制 profit sharing 士气,斗志morale

出勤attendance 双向的 two-way



Let’s hope so

I feel confident to.

Sounds great.


One of the key secrets to retaining valued staff is offering good prospects for promotion opportunities. Continuingly professional development opportunities should be scheduled and given to help employees to develop skills and advance their careers within the organization, which can ensure that top talents stay with you.

Financially-based incentives could be a attraction. Competitive salary with pay increases, bonuses, profit sharing, etc. enhances good staff retention. And those monetary initiatives can be based on productivity, suggestions or ideas, and even attendance.

Don’t miss the occasions where you can express your appreciation your recognition to your staff for their dedication and contributions to the success of the practice, for showing recognition and praise to your valuable employees can stir a sense of pride and boost



Organizing a conference

Conference speakers

Facilities at conference centre


激发性的 motivational 播音 public address

演讲嘉宾 guest speaker 事先 in advance

耗时的 time consuming





You bet

You got it

That’s for sure.


It is wise to keep in mind that it is better to invite motivational guest speakers to do conference presentations. Good professional conference speakers can inspire attendees, create the whole atmosphere and drive for the conference. But make sure their presentation will be of interest to everyone.

A suitable venue is a hard decision of conference organizing, but the most time consuming part is to determine what equipment is include in the venue booking. Facilities at conference centre, especially the public address system must be test in advance to ensure that attendees throughout the room can hear what the speaker is saying.

Time allocation determines the most appropriate topics that will best achieve your conference goals. That means how much time is required to select activities and presenters can help address the conference purpose. However, the conference agenda, order and content of conference activities will go through many changes until the actual conference is fun.

In addition, an effective budget is crucial to the success of the conference. In the first place, work out your costs to plan your budget and try as best as possible to cover overall expenses within your budget. Make sure to keep a file of all invoices and receipts.



Producing a marketing plan

Identifying target customers

Setting a budget


收入,税收 revenue 明显的 measurable

图表 tables and graphs 政府行动 government action

管理工具 managerial tool 文化变迁 cultural changes

定价 pricing 营销信息marketing message

市场分割 market segmentation



No way.

Not really.

Of course not.

Not a chance.门都没有


Producing a dynamic marketing plan will focus attention on your ideal customers. Identifying target customers is the first step in your marketing plan, which defines the needs of the market your products or services satisfy and states the objectives your company aims at.

The purpose of setting a marketing budget is to lay out spending requirements necessary for meeting the plan’s objectives by gathering all the revenues and costs involved in marketing into one comprehensive document with tables and graphs, as a managerial tool, it balances what is needed to be spend against what can be afforded , and helps make choices about financial priorities.

Marketing strategies are concerned with pricing , distribution, promotion, advertising and market segmentation, effective marketing strategies are indispensable for high-standard and action-oriented marketing plans, which provide the direction the product will take and usually result measurable actions.

Besides, various environmental factors such as government actions, emerging technology, and even cultural changes may have a positive or negative impact on the market growth potential of your products or services. So developing your marketing message about those factors makes it easy to plan and carry out the marketing activities you need to grow your business.



