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攻克雅思阅读长难句 8个常见句子参考翻译

1.The American economic system is,organized around a basically private-enterprise,market-oriented economy in which consumers largely determine what shall be produced by spending their money in the market place for those goods and services that they want most.


2.Thus,in the American economic system it is the demand of individual consumers ,coupled with the desire of business men to maximize profits and the desire of individuals to maximize their incomes,which together determine what shall be produced and how resources are used to produce it.


3.If ,on the other hand,producing more of a commodity results in reducing its cost,this will tend to increase the supply offered by seller-producers,which it turn will lower the price and permit more consumers to buy the product.


4.Numerous other commercial enterprise,from theaters to magazine publishers,from gas and electric utilities to milk processors,bring better and more efficient service to consumers through the use of computers.


5.Exceptional children are different in some significant way from other sof the same age.For these children to develop to their full adult potential,their education must be adapted to those differences.


6.The great interest in exceptional children shown in public education over the past three decades the strong feeling in our society that all citizens ,whatever their special conditions,deserve the opportunity to fully develop their capabilities.


7.It serves directly to assist a rapid distribution of goods at reasonable price,there by eatablish a firm home market and so making it possible to provide for export at competitive prices.


8.Apart from the fact twenty-seven acts of Parliament govern the terms of advertising,no regular advertiser dare promote a product that fails to live up to the promise of his advertisements.



Background music may seem harmless,but it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it.Recorded background music first found its way into factories,shop and restaurants in the US.But it soon spread to other arts of the world.Now it is becoming increasingly difficult to go shopping or eat a meal without listening to music.

To begin with,"muzak"(音乐广播网)was intended simply to create a soothing(安慰)atmosphere.Recently,however,it's become big business—thanks in part to recent research.Dr.Ronald Milliman,an American marketing expert,has shown that music can boost sales or increase factory production by as much as a third.

But,it has to be light music.A fast one has no effect at all on sales.Slow music can increase receipts by 38%.This is probably because shoppers slow down and have more opportunity to spot items they like to buy.Yet,slow music isn't always answer.Dr.Milliman found,for example,that in restaurants slow music meant customers took longer to eat their meals,which reduced overall sales.So restaurants owners might be well advised to play up-tempo music to keep the customers moving—unless of course,the resulting indigestion leads to complaints!

练习1.The reason why background music is so popular is that ______.

A.it can have a powerful effect on those who hear it

B.it can help to create a soothing atmosphere

C.it can boost sales or increase factory production everywhere

D.it can make customers eat their meals quickly

2.Background music means ________.

A.light music that customers enjoy most

B.fast music that makes people move fast

C.slow music that can make customers enjoy their meals

D.the music you are listening to while you are doing something

3.Restaurant owners complain about background music because ______.

A.it results in indigestion

B.it increases their sales

C.it keeps customers moving

D.it decreases their sales

4.The word"up-tempo music"probably means_____.

A.slow music

B.fast music

C.light music

D.classical music

注释:1.spread to传到,波及,蔓延到

2.to begin with首先;第一点(理由)

To begin with,we must consider the faculties of the staff all-sidedly.首先,我们必须全面地考虑全体员工的素质。

3.intend vt.想要,打算,意指,意谓

4.boost增进;改善We need to boost our spirits.我们需要鼓舞士气。

5.have to be[美,口]肯定是,毫无疑问是

6.receipt收据;收条When you have paid for sth,a receipt is given to you.当你付了某个东西的钱时,就给了你收据。


(pl)收入;收益higher receipts高收入

7.slow down v.(使)慢下来

答案:1 B 2 D 3 D 4 B


In the earliest stages of man's development he had no more need of money than animals have.He was content with very simple forms of shelter,made his own rough tools and weapons and could provide food and clothing for himself and his family from natural materials around him.As he became more civilized,however,he began to want better shelter,more efficient tools and weapons,and more comfortable and more lasting clothing than could be provided by his own neighborhood or by the work of his own unskilled hands.For these things he had to turn to the skilled people such as smiths,leather workers or carpenters.It was then that the question of payment arose.

At first he got what he wanted by a simple process of exchange.The smith who had not the time to look after land or cattle was glad to take meat or grain from the farmer in exchange for an axe or a plough.But as more and more goods which had no fixed exchange value came on the market,exchange became too complicated to be satisfactory.Another problem arose when those who made things wanted to get stocks of wood or leather,or iron,but had nothing to offer in exchange until their finished goods were ready.

Thus the difficulties of exchange led by degrees to the invention of money.In some countries easily handled things like seeds or shells were given a certain value and the farmer,instead of paying the smith for a new axe by giving him some meat or grain,gave him so many shells.If the smith had any shells left when he had bought his food,he could get stocks of the raw materials of his trade.In some countries quite large things such as cows or camels or even big flat stones were used for trade.Later,pieces of metal,bearing values according to the rarity of the metal and the size of the pieces,or coins were used.Money as we know it had arrived.

1.Exchange of goods became difficult because _________.

A man became more civilized

B smiths began to look after land or cattle in their spare time

C more and more goods which had no fixed exchange values came to the marker

D farmers hadn't enough grain or meat to provide for skilled workers

2.Money was not used until _______.

A paper was invented

B people practiced a simple process of exchange

C nothing could be offered in exchange

D the exchange of one thing for another became too complicated

3.The best title for this passage is _____.

A What is money

B What are money's functions.

C The importance of money

D The beginning of money


1.stage阶段;时期at an early stage in our history



to travel by easy stages从容旅行

2.content n.内容,容量,目录,满足adj.满足的,满意的,愿意vt.使满足

We should never content ourselves with a little book knowledge only.我们切不可满足于仅仅有一点点书本知识。

3.shelter n.掩蔽处,身避处,掩蔽,保护,庇护所,掩体v.掩蔽,躲避

He stood in the shelter at the bus stop.他站在公共汽车站的候车亭里。

4.smith n.铁匠,金属品工匠

leather n.皮革,皮革制品

carpenter n.木匠

5.axe or plough斧或犁

6 complicate使复杂化,使错综加重(疾病)使混乱,难做、难懂;使恶化

be complicated in卷入……(的麻烦中)

Don't complicate life for me!不要为我把生活搞复杂了!

答案:1 C 2 D 3 D


Next Year Marks the EU's 50th Anniversary of the Treaty

A.After a period of introversion and stunned self-disbelief,continental European governments will recover their enthusiasm for pan-European institution-building in 2007.Whether the European public will welcome a return to what voters in two countries had rejected so short a time before is another matter.

B.There are several reasons for Europe's recovering self-confidence.For years European economies had been lagging dismally behind America(to say nothing of Asia),but in 2006 the large continental economies had one of their best years for a decade,briefly outstripping America in terms of growth.Since politics often reacts to economic change with a lag,2006's improvement in economic growth will have its impact in 2007,though the recovery may be ebbing by then.

C.The coming year also marks a particular point in a political cycle so regular that it almost seems to amount to a natural law.Every four or five years,European countries take a large stride towards further integration by signing a new treaty:the Maastricht treaty in 1992,the Treaty of Amsterdam in 1997,the Treaty of Nice in 2001.And in 2005 they were supposed to ratify a European constitution,laying the ground for yet more integration—until the calm rhythm was rudely shattered by French and Dutch voters.But the political impetus to sign something every four or five years has only been interrupted,not immobilised,by this setback.

D.In 2007 the European Union marks the 50th anniversary of another treaty—the Treaty of Rome,its founding charter.Government leaders have already agreed to celebrate it ceremoniously,restating their commitment to"ever closer union"and the basic ideals of European unity.By itself,and in normal circumstances,the EU's 50th-birthday greeting to itself would be fairly meaningless,a routine expression of European good fellowship.But it does not take a Machiavelli to spot that once governments have signed the declaration(and it seems unlikely anyone would be so uncollegiate as to veto it)they will already be halfway towards committing themselves to a new treaty.All that will be necessary will be to incorporate the 50th-anniversary declaration into a new treaty containing a number of institutional and other reforms extracted from the failed attempt at constitution-building and—hey presto—a new quasi-constitution will be ready.

E.According to the German government—which holds the EU's agenda-setting presidency during the first half of 2007—there will be a new draft of a slimmed-down constitution ready by the middle of the year,perhaps to put to voters,perhaps not.There would then be a couple of years in which it will be discussed,approved by parliaments and,perhaps,put to voters if that is deemed unavoidable.Then,according to bureaucratic planners in Brussels and Berlin,blithely ignoring the possibility of public rejection,the whole thing will be signed,sealed and a new constitution delivered in 2009-10.Europe will be nicely back on schedule.Its four-to-five-year cycle of integration will have missed only one beat.

F.The resurrection of the European constitution will be made more likely in 2007 because of what is happening in national capitals.The European Union is not really an autonomous organisation.If it functions,it is because the leaders of the big continental countries want it to,reckoning that an active European policy will help them get done what they want to do in their own countries.

G.That did not happen in 2005-06.Defensive,cynical and self-destructive,the leaders of the three largest euro-zone countries—France,Italy and Germany—were stumbling towards their unlamented ends.They saw no reason to pursue any sort of European policy and the EU,as a result,barely functioned.But by the middle of 2007 all three will have gone,and this fact alone will transform the European political landscape.

H.The upshot is that the politics of the three large continental countries,bureaucraticmomentum and the economics of recovery will all be aligned to give a push towards integration in 2007.That does not mean the momentum will be irresistible or even popular.The British government,for one,will almost certainly not want to go with the flow,beginning yet another chapter in the long history of confrontation between Britain and the rest of Europe.More important,the voters will want a say.They rejected the constitution in 2005.It would be foolish to assume they will accept it after 2007 just as a result of an artful bit of tinkering.

Questions 1-6 Do the following statemets reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?

Write your answer in Boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.

TRUE if the statemenht reflets the claims of the writer

FALSE if the statement contradicts the claims of the writer

NOT GIVEN if it is possbile to say what the writer thinks about this

1.After years'introspection and mistrust,continental European governments will resurrect their enthusiasm for more integration in 2007.

2.The European consitution was officially approved in 2005 in spite of the oppositon of French and Dutch voters.

3.The Treaty of Rome,which is considered as the fundamental charter of the European Union,was signed in 1957.

4.It is very unlikely that European countries will sign the declaration at the 50th anniversary of the Treaty of Rome.

5.French government will hold the EU's presidency and lay down the agenda during the first half of 2008.

6.For a long time in hisotry,there has been confrontation between Britain and the rest of European countries.



