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Rabat was made the capital city of Morocco in 1913 by the French because Morocco had no fixed capital at the time.


Morocco has always attracted tourists, with its beaches, desert oases, towering mountains, and ancient cities. Now, to take advantage of all the country has to offer, Morocco has developed Plan Azure. It designated six coastal areas as tourist zones. Each zone has its own theme, such as sports, culture, and eco-tourism. Morocco's focus on building its tourism industry has been very successful. In 2013, more than 10 million tourists enjoyed all that Morocco has to offer.


As certain areas in the world are deemed to be sustainable and eco-friendly, they are awarded a "Blue Flag" rating. By 2015, 23 Moroccan beaches had achieved this rating for their water quality, wastewater management, and environmental education.


Founded on the banks of the Fez River by Moulay Idriss, Fez remains Morocco's grandest and oldest imperial city. Fez el-bali (Old Fez) is the world's largest active medieval city.

由穆莱·伊德里斯创建的非斯城位于非斯河畔,它是摩洛哥最宏伟、最古老的皇城。Fez el-bali(非斯古城)是世界上最大的仍在运作的中世纪城市。

I was told by our local guide that Moroccans consumed over 30 kilograms of sugar per year –and the chicken pastilla is the perfect example of the sweet and savoury fusion of flavours loved by locals in Morocco. A specialty of the Fez region, a fresh and flaky filo pastry is stuffed with chicken, almonds and flavoured with every spice under the sun, including saffron and cinnamon. While it might sound strange, the combination of flavours is both weird and wonderful.


Even though almost everyone in Morocco is Muslim, the majority follow a less restrictive form of religion. This has at times caused followers of more conservative branches of Islam to look down on Moroccans. The legal system in Morocco is based on Islamic law as well as the Spanish and French civil laws.


Romans began making wine in Morocco over 2,000 years ago. However, with the establishment of Islam in the 7th century A.D., Moroccan vineyards were not kept up. Under the French Protectorate, the Moroccan vineyards were revived and, in 1956, passed into state control. The French company Castel retook control of Moroccan wine production in the 1990s. The Gris de Boulaouane, a rose with an orange tint, is one of the best Moroccan wines.

2000多年前,罗马人就开始在摩洛哥酿造葡萄酒。然而,公元7世纪随着伊斯兰教的建立,摩洛哥的葡萄园没有继续得到管理。在法国摄政期间,摩洛哥的葡萄园得以复兴,并于1956年归国家管理。20世纪90年代法国公司卡斯特重新掌控了摩洛哥的葡萄酒生产。Gris de Boulaouane(带点橘色的玫瑰红葡萄酒)是摩洛哥最好的葡萄酒之一。

At most country markets (souqs) in Morocco, sehirras (witches) can be found who dispense the peculiar ingredients of their trade (curses and potions) and offer advice on their use. Most towns, villages, and medina neighborhoods also have a resident fortune teller (shuwaf for male, shuwaffa for female) who can, for a fee—using cards and other prognostic devices— reveal the unknown or the future.


The English word "genie" comes directly from the Arabic word djinn, denoting a spiritual being that may play some part in human affairs if called upon. In Morocco, djinns are believed to frequent places associated with water: public baths, drains, sinks, and even pots and pans.


Morocco's current royal family, the Alaouites, dates from the 17th century. Sultan Mohammed V, the current monarch's grandfather, organized Morocco as a constitutional monarchy and assumed the title of King in 1957. Mohamed VI has been King of Morocco since July 30, 1999.


Women's rights in Morocco achieved a major step forward in 2004 with the reform of the country's personal status code, the Moudawana. With the reform, women in Morocco can now have custody of their children, the unilateral repudiation of a wife is abolished, and a man's taking of a second wife is subject to the approval of his first wife.


Morocco's flag is red with a green pentacle (five-pointed linear star) known as Sulayman's (Solomon's) seal in the center of the flag. Red and green are traditional colors in Arab flags, and the pentacle represents the five pillars of Islam and signifies the association between God and the nation.


Nearly 45% of Morocco's workforce is employed in the agricultural sector. Unfortunately, only about 19% of the country's land is farmable. This is due to droughts which occur about once every three years. Morocco's natural resources include phosphates used in plant fertilizers and chemical compounds. Two-thirds of the world's phosphates are in Morocco.



One of the most popular exports from Morocco is their world-famous dates. They export more than 90,000 tons of them each year to locations around the globe. Dates have played an important part in Moroccan cuisine for thousands of years. Archaeological evidence suggests the cultivation of dates all the way back in 6,000 BC in Arabia. The date palm was a major source of life for thousands of people throughout the Middle East and Northern Africa and is said to have provided people with thousands of different uses including thread, mattresses, lumber, rope, and many other household and dietary uses. Dates are also very important in Islam with the date palm regarded as the "tree of life" as mentioned in the Story of Genesis and also eaten to ceremoniously break fast during Ramadan.

摩洛哥最受欢迎的出口产品之一是该国举世闻名的枣子。摩洛哥每年向全球各地出口超过9万吨枣子。数千年来,枣子在摩洛哥美食中发挥着重要作用。考古证据表明,公元前6000年,阿拉伯半岛就有人种植枣树。枣树是许多中东人和北非人的主要生活来源,据说,它有上千种不同的用途,可以做成线、床垫、木材、绳子,还有许多家庭和饮食方面的其他用途。枣子在伊斯兰教中也是很重要的,《创 世纪》中曾提到,枣树被视为“生命之树”,而且在斋月期间,人们还会在正式的开斋仪式上吃枣子。

In the Valley of Roses, local legend states that pilgrims returning from Mecca brought with them the "Mother of all flowers," the Damascus rose, initiating the rose industry in Morocco. In 1912, French parfumiers realized that the Vallee des Roses would be an ideal place to mass cultivate the bushy Rosa centifolia. Today, there are hundreds of kilometers of rose bush hedges and two factories in the valley, distilling rose essence.


Morocco is one of the world's largest producers of illicit hashish. One of the major sources of income for families in Morocco's Northern Rif region is cannabis (marijuana) cultivation. In fact, the word "reefer" derives from the word rif. The cannabis, known in Arabic as kif, is then processed and sold as hashish.


Moroccan Berber women still have tattoos in geometric designs on their faces, sometimes covering much of their forehead, cheeks, and necks. These are marks of tribal identification and date from a time when it was necessary to be able to spot women of one's tribe who had been carried off in raids.


White is the color of mourning in Morocco. A Moroccan widow wears white for 40 days after the death of her husband.


Dubbed Moroccan, or Berber, "whiskey," tea has become the national drink of Morocco. It was introduced to Morocco in 1854 when blockaded British merchants unloaded large quantities of tea at major Moroccan ports, The a la Menthe (Green Mint Tea) is Chinese green tea brewed with a handful of mint leaves and liberally loaded up with sugar.

茶已成为摩洛哥的国民饮品,它又被称为摩洛哥或柏柏尔“威士忌”。茶于1854年被引入摩洛哥,当时被困住的英国商人在摩洛哥的主要港口抛售了大量茶叶。The a la Menthe(绿薄荷茶)是用少量薄荷叶沏成的中国绿茶,还会加很多糖。

Couscous is said to be the national dish of Morocco. It is prepared weekly in many Moroccan homes and the presentation pictured here, couscous with seven vegetables, is one of the most popular versions. Lamb, beef or chicken is stewed along with a variety of vegetables then arranged on a glorious heap of tender, steamed couscous grains. As with many other Moroccan dishes, everyone gathers round to eat from one super-sized communal plate.


A visit to Morocco without sampling at least one tagine would be a crime. The word tagine refers to both the conical-shaped dish and the steaming food that's cooked inside it – usually a blend of tasty sweet and savoury flavours. With each region offering a different take on the recipe, you'll find anything from a kefta tagine, olive tagine, vegetable tagine and of course, the ever-popular lemon and chicken tagine is a must. A tagine every damn day? Yes. Yes. And more yes!


Forget about your fave smashed avo and eggs at your local cafe – berber omelette might just change your life. Served and cooked in a tagine, this little guy will make you one happy traveller. Infused with every spice under the sun, tomatoes and mixed veg, this is a true winner.


The name of Jemaa el Fna, the vast market square in Marrakech, Morocco, literally means "assembly of the dead" and may refer to the traditional display of the heads of criminals executed there until the 19th century.

摩洛哥马拉喀什市有一个巨大的集市广场。这个广场的名字是Jemaa el Fna,字面意思就是“亡者集会”,这可能是因为19世纪之前通常会在这里摆放被处决的罪犯的头颅。

The Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca is the world's seventh largest mosque and took five years of intensive labor by over 30,000 workers and craftsman to complete in 1993. The mosque's minaret at 689 feet (210 m) high is the world's tallest, and it is Casablanca's chief landmark. In terms of covered area, the Hassan II Mosque is the largest in the world and has space for 80,000 worshippers.



The Kairaouine Mosque became the world's first university and the world's foremost center of learning at the beginning of the second millennium. Built in A.D. 857 by Fatima al-Fihri, the daughter of a wealthy Kairaouine refugee, the Kairaouine Mosque was Morocco's largest mosque until Casablanca's Hassan II Mosque was built in the early 1990s. The Kairaouine Mosque became part of Morocco's state educational system in 1963, and today it is known as the University of al-Kairaouine.


The Moroccan national costume is called the djellaba, a one-piece unisex, hooded, coverall garment. Those of the highest quality have the most ornate needlework lining the seams. Wealthy Moroccans have their djellabas tailor-made. Djellabas are indicative of conservative politics and values.


In Morocco, very few citizens have private baths, and a ritual purification of the body is essential before Muslims can perform prayers, so many Moroccans bath at the public hamman (bath). The hammam is segregated and, along with the local zaouia (saints' shrine), is an important place for women to socialize.


Koura, or soccer, is Morocco's most popular sport. The national team is called the Lions of Atlas. In 2011, the 45,000-seat Stade de Marrakech was completed, allowing Morocco to host World Cup-type football events.


Lamb or Beef with Prunes. Even if you don't normally reach for prunes when grocery shopping, don't be put off by this particular combination of sweet and savory. The meat is cooked until buttery tender with saffron, ginger and onions, then topped with prunes which have been poached in syrup with cinnamon and honey. Crunchy fried almonds serve as a garnish.


Chicken with Preserved Lemon and Olives. This classic, versatile dish is also one of Morocco's most famous and ubiquitous. And no wonder! It's utterly delicious and works beautifully for any occasion ranging from casual family dinners to celebratory banquets. You'll find it offered in homes, restaurants and even on the street in tiny outdoor dining venues.


Africa's largest wind farm is located in Southwestern Morocco, along the Atlantic coast. It began generating power in 2014 and is part of the plan for the country to generate 45% of its energy needs with renewable sources by 2020.


In 2015, the Noor 1 Project went online in the city of Ouarzazate. This project is a complex of four mega solar plants linked together. It is as large as the entire city of Rabat and tracks the sun as it moves across the sky. The project can generate 580 megawatts of electricity.




