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More and more young students go abroad because they want to get better education and find a better job in the future. I think that they may have problems in study and also in life.


其实改法很简单:我们只要避免从“某个人”开始句子就可以了,也就是说用比较客观的就事论事的态度。如:避免“学生出国”,只写“出国”;避免“他们想要…”,只写“想要…”。这样,上面的句子就可以写成:go abroad to get better education and find a better job in the future,不但很客观,而且把原来的主句和从句两部分精简处理成了一个动词短语。既可以做谓语动词加上原来的一个主语构成句子,也可以用不定式、动名词和分词处理为非谓语动词做主语、宾语或者状语,还可以以从句的形式处理。至于原来第一句中的主语young students可以用介词短语的形式插入不定式或者动名词短语中,而下面的句子里的评价部分的内容提上来做主句的谓语,组成一个新的句式。

另外,第二例句中的“have”,一般情况下主语都是某个人,而在写作中多为“there be”句型所代替,更加客观。所以上面的两个例句就可以合并成一句:

There may be problems in study and also in life for young students to go abroad in order to get better education and find a better job in the future.


更进一步说,“have”和“there be”句型都可以简化成更简单的介词“with”结构,如以下所示:

On the table is a box. There is a cover beside it.

这两个小句子是小作文的流程图中经常要用到的具体描写事物的句型,凡是描写具有某种属性或者带有某种外部特征都可以用”with”结构表达,所以上述两句可以合并成:On the table is a box with a cover beside it.

除了一般的“某个人做某件事情”和“…have…”句型,常见的人化主语的句型还有很受考生偏爱的几个情态动词,如can, may, should等。一般建议前两个改成It is likely /possible to do/ that….;后一个改成It is necessary/ imperative/ highly expected/ suggested that sth. be done.的句式,请看下面的例示:

We can go anywhere we like with our bicycle. →

It is possible for us to go anywhere we like with our bicycle.

To curb global warming, our government should promulgate new laws to govern the felling of trees.→

To curb global warming, it is imperative that our government promulgate new laws to govern the felling of trees.





Someone murdered the millionaire last night.→

The millionaire was murdered last night.

2. 主语是泛指很多人或者大部分人

To improve the air quality, we should reduce the use of private cars. →

To improve the air quality, the use of private cars should be reduced.

Most people think that we can get a large share of benefit in the sales campaign.→

It is widely believed that we can get a large share of benefit in the sales campaign.


It is important for nations all over the world to join hands to control the software piracy. →

It is important for nations all over the world to join hands to have the software piracy controlled.

I don’t expect that she returned. → She is not expected to have returned.

I am not sure whether the college graduates will find jobs in the financially difficult year. →

I am not sure whether the college graduates will get employed in the financially difficult year.




Our monitor didn’t come today. He has got a flu.

很明显这两个小句可以用因果关系的信号词连成一句:Because our monitor has a flu, he didn’t come today.,但这个because引导的原因状语从句以及其它的状语从句是考生们很常用的复合句,虽然看似比较复杂,其实仍然是某个人做主语。如果非谓语动词掌握得好,可能我们会想到用Having a flu, our monitor didn’t come today.如果我们把前后两部分分别用一个概括性的名词来替代,中间加上我们熟悉的表示因果关系的动词,这个句子就非常符合议论文的风格:The flu caused the absence of our monitor today.或者The absence of our monitor is because of his illness.至少我们可以尽量将其中的一个小句变成名词,减少某个人做主语的口语化句式的出现频率。

虽然这种表达方法更为客观,句式上更加简洁,但是用比较抽象的概括性词汇来写句子对于越来越趋于低龄化的考生来说的确是个挑战。但是有一些单词是我们在写作中几乎必须要用到的,平时要备好以下几个常见的名词化:lack of(if there is no…), ignorance of (don’t know …), illiteracy in(can’t read…/ can’t use…), failure (didn’t do…)等。而且在具体的使用过程中可以结合介词with使用,使得句法更加凝练。此外个别单词也可以利用题目中的动词的名词性后缀如: -tion,-ment, -isation, -ness, -ity等或者变成动名词形式-ing。如:

More younger generations celebrate the western festivals→the celebration of the western festivals by more younger generations


如more and more/ a lot等口语化的短语尽量避免,可以用increasing(ly), a large number of…/a great deal of…./swarms of…等代替。此外缩略形式也是正式的写作中要避免的。



此次大作文考察的是广告类话题,这一类agree/disagree题型不属于二元对立题,而是出现了极端表达 “should be banned”。那么针对这种题型的写法,我们一般是打“极端表达”这个店。比如此题我们的写作思路就可以整理成为:一些广告缺失存在负面效应,如虚假广告或者一些传播负面思想或行为的广告,但是并不能因为这一部分广告的存在就否定整个广告产业,我们需要做的是如何有效地去监管以及规制这些广告。另外,审题时还要注意的一点就是题目中所关注的人群,即小孩。那么针对小孩这个群体,他们有一些自身的特点,如自身发展不成熟,易受影响等。


Advertising has been considered as an effective way to boost the sales of advertised products, which is widely used in diverse areas. However, some side effects produced by the advertisements especially those directed at children have aroused the concern among the public. From my perspective, these advertisements should be strictly regulated rather than banned.

It is undeniable that advertisements can inform consumers about new products and services, which helps children and parents make informed choices. The advertising campaigns not only allow consumers to get to know a variety of alternative goods, but also the distinctive features of each brand, hence children or their parents can make a comparison of those products and purchase the ones in need. Apart from that, advertising is an important source of entertainment which gives children a lot of fun. As many advertisements shown on TV are both educational and attractive to children, they can gain many benefits while watching. For example, those funny cartoon characters can teach children to dance or sing.

On the other hand, some negative influences should also be taken into consideration. Due to the fact that children have not developed physically and mentally to a full extent, they can be easily swayed by advertising. If the advertisements contain some misleading information, children may not have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, and consider the information or the specific action to be acceptable. Meanwhile, some of the advertisements can be deceptive. In order to pursue profits to a larger extent, some companies may deliberately exaggerate the advantages of their products and hide those potential risks. As a result, children may pester their parents to buy these products which turn out to be not exactly the same.

To summarize, children-aimed advertisements can bring both positive and negative effects. Instead of banning them, the government can attach tighter regulations in the procedure of examination and approval. At the same time, parents should take the responsibility of guiding children when the false advertisements occur.








Being a mother is a milestone for many women in the course of life, which leans that the long term nurturing and caring of the unborn babies finally bear fruit. Though I am not a feminist, I suppose it is very necessary for female to take a maternity leave in the wake of delivery.

Being temporarily off work means the newly mothers can have a time to recover from their delivery. The birth of a baby indicates the painstaking care from his/her mother, which is quite arduous and energy-consuming. With the maternity leave, mothers can enjoy the professional health care in some well-equipped hospitals or be soundly taken care of by their family, guaranteeing that they can recuperate from this strenuous process soon and immune from some adverse health impacts.

Besides, the maternity leave can also make it possible that father, mother and the newly-born baby share good quality family time. The birth of the baby means the completion of a new family and every member of the family is indispensable during this time. If women are deprived of the maternity leave , not only their babies cannot be taken care of, but also it leaves an emotional isolation, thereby making the family less closely-knit.

There are, of course, some problems for women to take maternity leave. The elevation of female status and their competitiveness in the workplace render them to be irreplaceable to some extent. Although the maternity leave is not long, it is still likely to bring about the managerial problems to the companies and organizations where they work.

In conclusion, the disadvantages pale into insignificance when compared with the bright sides of maternity leave. Women are supposed to be given maternity leave and this is beneficial to their family life and personal physical fitness.



