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英 汉两种语言都有一词多类和一词多义的现象。一词多类就是指一个词往往属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义;一词多义就是同一个词在同一词类中又往往有几个不 同的词义。在英译汉的过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后,就要善于运用选择和确定原句中关键词词义的技巧,以使所译语句自然流畅,完全符合汉语习惯的说法;选择确定词义通常可以从两方面着手:


They are as like as two peas .他们相似极了。 (形容词)

He likes mathematics more than physics .他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。 (动词)

Wheat, oat, and the like are cereals .小麦、燕麦等等皆系谷类。 (名词)


He is the last man to come .他是最后来的。

He is the last person for such a job .他最不配干这个工作。

He should be the last man to blame.怎么也不该怪他。

This is the last place where I expected to meet you .我怎么也没料到会在这个地方见到你。

词 义引伸是我们英译汉时常用的技巧之一。翻译时,有时会遇到某些词在英语辞典上找不到适当的词义,如果任意硬套或逐词死译,就会使译文生硬晦涩,不能确切表 达原意,甚至会造成误解。这时就应根据上下文和逻辑关系,从该词的根本含义出发,进一步加以引伸,引伸时,往往可以从三个方面来加以考虑。


The energy of the sun comes to the earth mainly as light and heat .太阳能主要以光和热的形式传到地球。


The last stage went higher and took the Apollo into orbit round the earth.最后一级火箭升得更高,把“阿波罗号”送进围绕地球运行的轨道。


Every life has its roses and thorns .每个人的生活都有甜有苦。




The lack of any special excretory system is explained in a similar way .

植物没有专门的排泄系统,可用同样的方式加以说明。 (名词转译)

As he ran out ,he forgot to have his shoes on .他跑出去时,忘记了穿鞋子。


The earth on which we live is shaped a ball.

我们居住的地球,形状像一个大球。 (动词转译)

The doctor did his best to cure the sick and the wounded .

医生尽了最大的努力来治疗病号和伤员。 (形容词转换)


It is no use employing radar to detect objects in water.

使用雷达探测水下目标是没有用的。 (作表语的名词转译)

The sun affects tremendously both the mind and body of a man .

太阳对人的身体和精神都有极大的影响。 (副词转译)


When he catches a glimpse of a potential antagonist, his instinct is to win him over with charm and humor .只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这些人争取过来。 (名词转译)




Flowers bloom all over the yard .朵朵鲜花满院盛开。 (增加表示名词复数的词)

After the banquets ,the concerts and the table tennis exhibitor ,he went home tiredly .在参加宴会、出席音乐会、观看乒乓球表演之后,他疲倦地回到了家里。 (增加动词)

He sank down with his face in his hands .他两手蒙着脸,一屁股坐了下去。 (增加副词)

I had known two great social systems .那是以前,他就经历过两大社会制度。 (增加表达时态的词)

As for me ,I didn’t agree from the very beginning .我呢,从一开始就不赞成。 (增加语气助词)

The article summed up the new achievements made in electronic computers ,artificial satellites and rockets .本文总结了电子计算机、人造卫星和火箭这三方面的新成就。 (增加概括词)


Reading makes a full man ;conference a ready man ;writing an exact man.


All bodies on the earth are known to possess weight.

大家都知道地球上的一切物质都肯有重量。 (增补被动句中泛指性的词)




The above facts insist on the following conclusions .上述事实使人们不能不得出以下结论。


She won’t go away until you promise to help her .她要等你答应帮助以后才肯走。


There can be no sunshine without shadow有阳光就有阴影。

但是,如果翻译时保留英语原来的“否定之否定”的形式并不影响中文的流畅时,则应保留的目的还可突出原文中婉转的语气。如He is not unequal to the duty .他并非不称职。


I don’t think he will come .我认为他不会来了。


Not all minerals come from mines .并非所有矿物都来自矿山。

Both of the substances do not dissolve in water.不是两种物质都溶于水。




I had experienced oxygen and /or engine trouble.


Under ordinary conditions of pressure ,water becomes ice at C and steam at 100C.

在常压下,水在摄氏零度时变成冰,在摄氏一百度时变成蒸汽。 (重复动词)

A locality has its own over-all interest ,a nation has another and the earth get another.



He wandered along the street ,thinking and thinking brooding and brooding.



While stars and nebulae look like specks or small patches of light . they are really enormous bodies.





This university 6 newly _established faculties ,namely .Electronic Computer ,High Energy Physics ,Laser ,Geo-physics ,Remote Sensing, and Genetic Engineering.

这所大学现在有电子计算机、高能物理、激光、地球、物理、遥感技术、遗传工程等六个新建的专业。 (部分倒译)

Many laws of nature actually exist in nature though they have not yet been discovered.

虽然许多自然规律还没被发现,但是它们确实在自然界中存在。 (完全倒译)


The structure of an atom can be accurately described though we cannot see it.

虽然我们看不见原子结构,但能准确地描述它。 (被动句倒译成主动句)

Table tennis is played all over China .中国到处都打乒乓球。 (状语倒译成主语)

3、以否定型副词或条件副词开头的句子的部分倒译技巧。能引起这种倒译的副词有no ,never ,hardly ,no longer . in no way ,not until ,not even ,only等。

Never before have I read such an interesting book .我从来没有读过这样有趣的书。


These date will be of some value in our research work .



For its last 600 miles the Yellow River flows eastwards through the flat , fertile ,North China Plain ,which is densely populated.

黄河最后的六百英里,向东流过平坦肥沃、人口密集的华北平原。 (按照汉语的固定顺序倒译)

Heal the wounded ,rescue the dying ,practice revolutionary humanitarianism.

救死扶伤,实行革命的人道主义。 (以轻重上区分进行倒译)

We have to be quick of eye and deft of hand .我们必须眼疾手快。 (逆时间顺序倒译)




The wings are responsible for keeping the sir plane in the air.

机翼的用途是使飞机在空中保持不坠。 (转译成定语)

To get all the stages off the ground ,a first big push is needed.

为了使火箭各级全部离开地面,需要有一个巨大的第一次推力。 (转译成宾语)

Machinery has made the products of manufactories very much cheaper than formerly.

因为机械的缘故,工厂里出的产品比起以前来,价格便宜多了。 (转译成状语)


Radar works in very much the same way as the flashlight .雷达的工作原理和手电筒极为相同。


Automatic lathes perform basically similar functions but apper in a varitety of forms.



Neutron has a mass slightly larger than that of proton.

中子的质量略大于质子的质量。 (转译成谓语)

Scientists in that county are now supplied with necessary books ,epuipment and assistant ,that will ensure success in their scientific research.

现在已给该县科学家提供了必要的图书、仪器和助手,以保证科研工作的成功。 (转译成状语)


These three colors ,red ,green ,and violet ,when combined ,produced white .

红色、绿色和紫色这三种颜色如果合在一起就变成白色。 (时间状语从句转译成条件状语从句)

Where there is nothing in the path of beam of light ,nothing is seen.

如果光束通道上没有东西,就什么也看不到。 (地点状语从句转译成条件状语从句)

Because he was convinced of the accuracy of this fact, he stuck to his opinion.

他深信这件事正确可靠,因此坚持已见。 (原因状语从句转译成因果偏正复合句中的主句)


英 译汉时,由于两种语言的句子结构大不相同而往往需要改变一下句子结构以适应于汉语的表达习惯。采用分句、合句进行翻译的作法正是为了达到这种目的而运用的 一种重要技巧。所谓分句,就是指把原文的一个简单句译成两个或两个以上的句子;所谓合名,就是指把原文的两个或两个以上的简单句或一个复合句译成一个单 句。运用这种分句、合句的汉译技巧可以使译文层次分明,更合乎于汉语的表达习惯。分句流译的技巧共分五种类型,合句汉译的技巧共分三种类型。先谈谈分句汉 译技巧的五种类型。


A man spending twelve days on the moon would find ,on returning to the earth ,that a year had passed by already.



It goes without saying that oxygen is the most active element in the atmosphere.



He managed to raise a crop of 200 miracle tomatoes that weighed up to two pounds each.



Sunrays filtered in wherever they could ,driving out darkness and choking the shadows.



Mary normally a timid girl ,argued heated with them about it.



1. The average age of people in the countryside is increasing, while that of the cities is falling. More old people stay in the countryside than young people and the opposite is true in the cities.



2. One important reason for the move to cities has to do with quality of life issues: comfort and convenience. For example, most of us would like our children to receive the better education, and cities often offer better schools.


解析:在做本句翻译时需要注意在前半句适当地增译一些信息,如在comfort and convenience 处需要加上move to the cities的主语“人们”。后半句难度不大,直译即可。

3. Most burglars are opportunist, looking for an easier break-in. So don’t make things simply for them. Don’t advertise the fact that you are out or away, or be careless about security.


解析:本句句型不复杂,需要注意几个词语的译法,如opportunist本来是“机会主义者”,在这里用于形容burglars身上,需要相应地翻译成贬义词“投机分子”;此外,don’t make things simply for them可以用成语“可乘之机”概括,这些需要同学平时多做翻译练习积累,在会在临考时马上反应出来。

4. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen and the University of Iceland said ash particles from the early part of the volcanic eruption are especially abrasive, posing a possible threat to aircraft engines.


解析:本句句型简单,但生词较多,需要考生抓注意些重点词汇理解。如:volcanic eruption 是表示“火山爆发”, abrasive 表示“磨损的”。考生在遇到不会的单词时也不用过于慌张,一般句子中包含大量专业词汇句意都比较简单,可凭上下文进行推测。

5. Lack of sanitation leads to wide spread of contamination of drinking water. Recent statistics say water-associated infectious diseases claim up to 3.2million lives each year, approximately 6 percent all death globally.



contamination :污染

infectious :传染的,有传染性的

approximately :大约


The term “American dream” is widely used today. But what exactly does this concept mean? Where does the term come from? Has the meaning of the term changed over time? Questions like these can complicate a seemingly simple term and lead us to an even more important question: is the American dream a myth or a reality today?

The term “American dream” began to be widely used in 1867. The term was used in a famous novel written by Horatio Alger. The novel, Ragged Dick, was a “rags to riches” story about a little boy who was orphaned and lived in New York. The boy saved all his pennies, worked very hard, and eventually became rich. The novel sent the message to the American public that anyone could succeed in America if they were honest, worked hard, and showed determination to succeed. No matter what your background, no matter where you were from, no matter if you had no money or no family, hard work and perseverance would always lead to success.

Today, the message from Alger’s novel is still a prevalent one in this country. It is still used to define the American dream. A very basic definition of the American dream is that it is the hope of the American people to have a better quality of life and a higher standard of living than their parents. This can mean that each generation hopes for better jobs, or more financial security, or ownership of land or a home.

However, new versions and variations of the American dream have surfaced since Alger’s novel was published. For one thing, the basic definition I stated a moment ago — the idea that Americans are always seeking to improve their lifestyle — also suggests that each generation wants more than the previous generation had. Some people would argue that this ever-increasing desire to improve the quality of one’s life may have started out on a smaller scale in the past, but today has led to an out-of-control consumerism and materialism.

Another more benign view of the American dream is that it is about the desire to create opportunities for ourselves, usually through hard work. A hallmark of the American dream, some would argue, is the classic “self-starter,” the person who starts out with very little in life—little money, few friends, few opportunities—and works hard to make his or her way in the world. A classic example of this type of American dreamer would be former president Abraham Lincoln, who was born in a log cabin, was largely self-educated, and yet worked his way up in the world to eventually become a United States president.

This view of the American dream has also been associated with immigrants and their quests for a better life in a new country. Americans have long been fascinated by immigrant stories, and many feel great pride about their own families who may have come from other countries, worked very hard, and created a better life for future generations.

The American dream has also, historically, been associated with westward expansion in this country. Throughout most of the 1800s, the notion of the frontier—a vast expanse of largely unclaimed land in the West—symbolized new opportunities and a fresh start to people. Many a dreamer set off for the West in search of land, jobs, gold, or other opportunities, often with next to nothing in his pocket. Unfortunately, this idea of new opportunities in the West had a negative side.

The American West was not unpopulated; Native American Indians already lived there, along with other immigrant groups, and these people were often displaced — or met with violence — if they interfered with the visions or ideas of westward-migrating Americans.

A more recent interpretation of the American dream has to do with equality. Civil rights activists such as Dr. Martin Luther King Junior, used some of the rhetoric associated with the American dream to urge people to work for equal opportunities for all Americans, not just some Americans. A harsh reality was becoming clear to some people, especially in the 1960s and 1970s: not everyone had the same opportunities. If people were denied jobs, education, or other opportunities because of their race, ethnic background, or gender, was the American dream only a myth?


★ 英语翻译

★ 浅析英语翻译教学

★ 新闻英语标题翻译:省略

★ 英语40字随笔带翻译

★ 初一英语作文带翻译

★ 2019建国70周年英文祝贺词带翻译精选 新中国成立70周年温馨祝福

★ 考研英语翻译高分技巧

★ 详解考研英语翻译法则之翻译五步骤

★ 英语翻译时不要被长句吓倒

★ 高一英语必修一翻译练习题


