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美国习语: 临阵而退缩,实践长真知

Peter told his wife that this time he was really going to walk in and demand a pay raise from the boss. But when he arrived at the office, he got cold feet. I really need to get my teeth fixed, but every time I start to phone the dentist, I think about the sound of that drill and right away I get cold feet. I know most of you are afraid to embarrass yourselves by trying to speak English after these first few lessons. But that's the best way to learn: when you meet an American, try a few words, jump in and get your feet wet. I want to get into politics so I'm volunteering to put up signs for one of the people running for mayor. I don't get paid for it but it's a chance to jump in and get my feet wet.

cold feet jump in and get your feet wet 一个人在充满信心的时候往往就会无所畏惧,勇往直前。但是,当一个人对某件事感到胆怯的时候,他就会畏缩不前。我们经常可以看到一种情况:有的人对一件事开始的时候很有信心,很有把握。可是,事到临头就变得没有勇气了。在英文里有一个俗语是用来形容类似情况的,那就是 cold feet。 Cold 是冷的意思, feet 就是两只脚。 Cold feet 并不是在雪地里走而使你的脚很冷。Cold feet 是指临时上场感到胆怯。例如: "Peter told his wife that this time he was really going to walk in and demand a pay raise from the boss. But when he arrived at the office, he got cold feet." 这句话翻成中文的意思是:"这个名字叫皮特的丈夫对自己的妻子说,这次他可一定要到他老板的办公室去要求增加工资了。可是,他一到了办公室就感到胆怯,不敢去见他的老板。" 这种临阵脱逃的现象是很经常的。下面我们要举的例子恐怕会引起许多听众的共鸣: "I really need to get my teeth fixed, but every time I start to phone the dentist, I think about the sound of that drill and right away I get cold feet." 这个人说:"我实在应该去牙大夫那儿看牙了。但是,每当我拿起电话想和大夫预约的时候,我就好像听到那钻牙的声音,一下子,我就害怕起来了。" 事到临头打退堂鼓,出现 cold feet 的现象也许是一个弱点,但是在美国成语里,把脚弄湿倒是一件好事。比如说,好些听众都在学英语。这是一种外语,许多初学的人都怕难为情不敢用英语来对话。可是,老师很可能就会劝这些学生: "Jump in and get your feet wet. " Jump in and get your feet wet 这个俗语的意思是:到实践中去学,也可以说是跳到游泳池里学游泳。我们来举一个老师对学生说的话: "I know most of you are afraid to embarrass yourselves by trying to speak English after these first few lessons. But that's the best way to learn: when you meet an American, try a few words, jump in and get your feet wet." 这位老师说:"我知道你们大多数人感到,刚上了几课英语,就用英语来说话很不好意思。不过,当你见到美国人时,你不妨试着说一点。到实践中去学是最好的办法。" 到实践中去学对于任何事来说都是很重要的。下面说话的人就认识到例句 jump in and get your feet wet 的重要性: "I want to get into politics so I'm volunteering to put up signs for one of the people running for mayor. I don't get paid for it but it's a chance to jump in and get my feet wet." 这个人说:"我希望将来能够到政界去工作,所以我现在在帮一个竞选市长的候选人张贴宣传标语。我帮他做这些事是完全义务的,是没有工资的。但是,这是到实践中去得到一些经验的好机会。" 今天我们给大家介绍了两个习惯用语,都是和 feet 这个字有关的。第一个是 cold feet。Cold feet 是事到临头打退堂鼓,对原先有信心的事感到胆怯了。我们今天讲的第二个习惯用语是 jump in and get your feet wet,这是指到实践中去学习取得经验。


Today George Miller actually had the nerve to ask me to go the the Christmas dance with him. Sure, he's getting straight A's in all his classes, but look at those thick glasses, and those dull clothes he wears. I'd rather be caught dead than to go out with a nerd like him. The big surprise was seeing Bill Green. He was such a nerd 20 years ago -- too busy studying instead of having a good time like most of us. But maybe he had the right idea; he owns his own computer company and is worth 10 million bucks. You may call me a nerd, but I think it's more important to study hard than to be a jock and play football or basketball. The trouble is, though, the girls all want to go with jocks, the guys with the muscles and team sweaters. My kid sister is only six but it looks like she'll turn out to be a girl jock. Instead of staying in the house, she loves to go outside and play baseball with the boys. And you know something -- she's better at it than most of the boys.

nerd jock girl jock 今天我们要给大家介绍两个美国学生常用的俗语。近年来,美国学生常常用一些词汇来形容那些不太受其他学生欢迎的人。他们最常用的一个字是:nerd。这个字恐怕在有的字典上都找不到。它的意思和"书呆子"很相似。被称为nerd的学生一般都很聪敏,对学习很严肃,他们大多数时间都花在学习上。他们的毛病在于他们看起来很软弱,和其他同学的关系也很别扭。这些所谓nerd衣服也穿得比别的学生保守,在社交场合表现的不知所措。由于他们一般都比较害羞,因此和这些nerd在一起不像和其他人在一起那么有趣。让我们来听听一个名字叫萨利的女学生对她的朋友说的话: "Today George Miller actually had the nerve to ask me to go the the Christmas dance with him. Sure, he's getting straight A's in all his classes, but look at those thick classes, and those dull clothes he wears. I'd rather be caught dead than to go out with a nerd like him." 萨利说:"今天乔治米勒居然敢来邀我和他一起去圣诞节舞会。是啊,他每门课都得A,但是看看他那眼镜片有多厚,还穿那些老古董衣服。我要和这么一个书呆子一起去跳舞,我宁可去死。" 下面这个例子是一个刚去参加中学同学毕业二十年聚会的人。 "The big surprise was seeing Bill Green. He was such a nerd 20 years ago -- too busy studying instead of having a good time like most of us. But maybe he had the right idea; he owns his own computer company and is worth 10 million bucks." 他说:"这次聚会最惊人的是看到比尔格林。二十年前他可是个书呆子,忙于学习,没有时间像我们那样玩。可是,也许他当时的想法是对的,他现在自己开一个电脑公司,值一千万美元。" 要是nerd在学校里被人看不起,那么谁受人欢迎呢?受人欢迎的是:jock。Jock就是那种身材魁梧,长得很帅,很富有男子汉气概的运动员。下面是一个很妒忌的nerd在发表他的看法。他为什么妒忌呢?他说: "You may call me a nerd, but I think it's more important to study hard than to be a jock and play football or basketball. The trouble is, though, the girls all want to go with jocks, the guys with the muscles and team sweaters." 这个书呆子说:"你可以叫我书呆子,但是我认为用功念书要比做一个漂亮男子和踢足球、打垒球更重要。可是,问题是那些女孩子都要和那些长得帅的男学生和那些身强体壮的球队队员出去玩。" 现在美国学校里好些女学生也积极参加各种体育运动,她们被称为:girl jock。我们来举个girl jock的例子吧: "My kid sister is only six but it looks like she'll turn out to be a girl jock. Instead of staying in the house, she loves to go outside and play baseball with the boys. And you know something -- she's better at it than most of the boys." 这个人说:"我的小妹妹只有六岁,可是看起来她会成为一个强壮的女运动员。她不愿在家呆着,她喜欢出去和男孩一起打垒球。你要知道,她比大多数男孩都打得好。" 今天我们讲了两个美国学生常用的俗语:nerd和jock。Nerd相当于书呆子。Jock是身体很强壮,长得很漂亮的男运动员。Girl jock当然是指女孩。


At the conference I was a fish out of water. All the speeches were in French, a language I never studied. Everybody else at the party ended up in the swimming pool. But I was a fish out of water because I can't swim. My son, fresh out of college, keeps telling me how to run my business. But I've been making good money for 30 years so he's teaching a fish how to swim. The day after I got my private pilot's license, I told this man at the party all about how to fly an airplane. Later I learned he was an airline pilot who flew jumbo jets. I'd been teaching a fish how to swim.

在今天的美国习惯用语: 节目里,我们要给大家介绍几个和鱼有关的习惯用语。中国人常常用「如鱼得水」来形容一个一切都很顺当的环境。美国人常用的一个俗语却刚好和「如鱼得水」相反,他们说:a fish out of water。从字面上解释就是:没有水的鱼。你肯定经历过一种场合,当时你觉得很不自然,和周围的人或环境格格不入。A fish out of water作为一个俗语,就是指这种感觉的,它的意思是某人和他所处的环境不融恰,使他感到很别扭、很难堪。 比如说,我的一个朋友最近去参加了一次国际会议,回来后他对我说: "At the conference I was a fish out of water. All the speeches were in French, a language I never studied." 他说:"参加那个会议真叫我感到别扭。所有人发表讲话时都用法文,可是我从来也没有学过法文。" 每个人都会有感到别扭的时候,下面这个人碰到的场合又是一个例子: "Everybody else at the party ended up in the swimming pool. But I was a fish out of water because I can't swim." 这人说:"参加聚会的每个人最后都到游泳池去游泳了,我真感到别扭,因为我不会游泳。" 要是谁想教鱼怎么游泳的话,那简直是班门弄斧,多余的了。下面我们要讲解的一个习惯用语就是这个意思:to teach a fish how to swim。To teach a fish how to swim作为俗语的意思是指班门弄斧:给别人提出完全没有必要的建议或劝告。你听了下面这位父亲的讲话就会知道他的儿子有多可笑了: "My son, fresh out of college, keeps telling me how to run my business. But I've been making good money for 30 years so he's teaching a fish how to swim." 这位父亲说:"我的儿子大学刚毕业,可是他却不断地来告诉我应该怎么做生意。我三十年来生意做得很好,赚了不少钱。所以,他来告诉我怎么做生意简直是多余的。" 这个儿子可能还不知道自己在做傻事。可是,有的人在事后发现自己做了类似的傻事会感到很难堪。请听下面这个例子: "The day after I got my private pilot's license, I told this man at the party all about how to fly an airplane. Later I learned he was an airline pilot who flew jumbo jets -- I'd been teaching a fish how to swim." 这个人说:"我在得到飞行员执照后的一天,在一次聚会上告诉一个人怎么驾驶飞机。后来,我听说那个人是开大型喷气机的飞行员。我去告诉他怎么驾驶飞机真是多余,简直是班门弄斧。" 在这次[美国习惯用语]节目里我们给大家介绍了两个和fish有关的习惯用语。第一个是 a fish out of water。A fish out of water是指一个人处于一种使他很难堪,很别扭的场合。我们今天讲的第二个习惯用语是to teach a fish how to swim。To teach a fish how to swim是指给别人提供毫无必要,完全多余的建议或劝告。

美国习语: 饱尝眼福,十分惊奇

The place I enjoyed most was the National Gallery of Art. I spent a whole afternoon there feasting my eyes on all their modern paintings. I'm on diet trying to lose ten pounds, so I stopped to feast my eyes on the cakes in the bakery window, but resisted the temptation to go in and buy one to eat. When my wife told me we were going to have a baby, it hit me right between the eyes. I bet I fooled around with these equations for ten minutes but then all of a sudden the right answer hit me right between the eyes.

世界各国的诗人写了好多诗来描写人的眼睛,有的把眼睛称为"灵魂的窗户",还有的说,人们通过眼睛所表达的语言在世界各处都是共同的。这也许是确实的,因为世界各种语言中用"眼睛"这个词表达的意思都是大同小异的。今天我们就来给大家介绍几个和眼睛有关的习惯用语。 中文里有"饱尝眼福"的说法。美国英语里也有类似的习惯用语。其中之一就是to feast your eyes on。Feast的意思是:宴请,举行盛大的筵席,或使人得到享受等。宴请你的眼睛,使你的眼睛得到享受,实际上也就是"饱尝眼福"的意思。To feast your eyes on这个说法可以应用到各个方面,比如说看到美貌的女子,欣赏自然风光,观赏艺术作品等。举个例子来说,一个到华盛顿来访问的人也许会说: "The place I enjoyed most was the National Gallery of Art. I spent a whole afternoon there feasting my eyes on all their modern paintings." 这个人说:"我最喜欢的地方是国家艺术馆。我化了整整一个下午在那里欣赏他们的现代绘画,真是饱尝了眼福。" To feast your eyes on还可以用在食品方面。我们下面来举个例子吧: "I'm on diet trying to lose ten pounds, so I stopped to feast my eyes on the cakes in the bakery window, but resisted the temptation to go in and buy one to eat." 这个人说:"我正在设法减肥,想减轻我的体重十磅。为此,我只是到那些面包房去饱饱眼福,但是尽量克制自己不进去买东西吃。" 美国人一般来说是很喜欢吃蛋糕、奶油、冰淇淋等甜食。但是目前,从健康出发,很多人很注意自己的体重,因此人们对食品中的糖份很敏感,特别是体重超重的人,往往克制自己的食欲而避免吃蛋糕之类的甜食。实在克制不住的时候,吃了甜食就好像犯了什么错误一样。因此,好多人乾脆不去看那些五颜六色、花色繁多的点心柜台,免得自己馋得忍不住。 我们今天要讲的第二个和eyes,也就是和"眼睛"有关的习惯用语是to hit between the eyes。To hit between the eyes听起来是好像是很痛苦的事,但是作为一个俗语,它的意思仅仅是:十分惊奇。下面就是一个例子: "When my wife told me we were going to have a baby, it hit me right between the eyes." 这位不久就要当爸爸的人说:"当我的妻子告诉我她已经怀孕了的时候,我真是惊奇万分。" 下面一个例子是一个学生在做家庭作业,他说: "I bet I fooled around with these equations for ten minutes but then all of a sudden the right answer hit me right between the eyes." 他说:"我敢打赌,我在这些方程式上花了总总十分钟还没有得出答案。后来,不知怎么回事,我突然想出了正确的答案。" 今天我们讲的两个习惯用语都是和眼睛,也就是和eyes有关的。第一个是to feast your eyes on。To feast your eyes on和中文里的"饱尝眼福"这个说法是相同的意思。我们讲的第二个习惯用语是to hit between the eyes。To hit between the eyes的意思是:非常突然。


You know that beautiful girl who sits ahead of me in English class? She keeps turning me down for dates, but I finally got a foot in the door today, she met me for coffee after class. Getting into politics is tough. But Martin got his foot in the door when he volunteered to go around town putting up posters for the Republican candidate for Congress. Honey, I've got to sit down and rest before I take you out to dinner. I'm really dead on my feet tonight. We had the big year-end sale on and I was so busy I didn't even have time for lunch. My parents took me to Constitution Avenue to see the parade. After standing there for a whole day, my mom was so dead on her feet by the time we got home that she could not even cook dinner for us.

美国的商品推销员在不很久以前还是挨家挨户地去推销商品,例如吸尘机、厨房用品、百科全书和圣经等。当一位家庭主妇听到敲门声,把门打开的时候,精明能干的推销员就会把一只脚先伸到门里边,这样可以避免在他还没有机会介绍他的商品之前女主人就把门关上了。这种挨家挨户访问的推销员现在几乎已经消声匿迹了,大多数推销员现在都靠电话来招揽生意。可是,把一只脚先伸到门里边这个说法却成了一个人们经常用的俗语了,在英文里就是: to get a foot in the door。 To get a foot in the door 的意思就是:为了达到一个目的迈出了第一步,尽管你可能离达到目的的距离还很远。下面这个例子是一个学生说的话: "You know that beautiful girl who sits ahead of me in English class? She keeps turning me down for dates, but I finally got a foot in the door today: she met me for coffee after class." 这个学生说:"你知道英语课坐在我前面那个很漂亮的女孩子吗?我请她出去玩,她老是拒绝我。可是,今天我算是迈出了第一步。她答应下了课和我一起去喝咖啡。" 下面我们要举的例子是两个人在谈论一个很有政治野心的朋友。其中一个人说: "Getting into politics is tough. But Martin got his foot in the door when he volunteered to go around town putting up posters for the Republican candidate for Congress." 他说:"要进入政界是很难的。可是,马丁曾经在当地义务地帮助那些共和党竞选国会议员的候选人张贴标语,这样他为能够进入政界迈出了第一步。" 一整天在电线干上贴标语或招贴画确实是很累的。马丁回到家的时候可能会感到两只脚累得连站都站不动了。这也有一个俗语来形容这种情景的: to be dead on one's feet。美国虽然是最先进的国家之一,但仍然有好多职业需要工作人员站着做的。售货员就是其中之一。站了一天,到了下班的时候,他们必然会感到两只脚很累。下面就是一个售货员在对他的太太讲话: "Honey, I've got to sit down and rest before I take you out to dinner. I'm really dead on my feet tonight: we had the big year-end sale on and I was so busy I didn't even have time for lunch." 他说:"亲爱的,我得坐下歇一会儿再和你一起出去吃晚饭。我今天晚上两只脚实在累死了。我们正在举行年底大减价,我忙的连午饭都没有时间吃。" 下面的例子是一个孩子在跟他的同学说他们全家去看庆祝海湾战争游行的情况: "My parents took me to Constitution Avenue to see the parade. After standing there for a whole day, my mom was so dead on her feet that she could not even cook dinner for us by the time we got home." 这个孩子说:"我爸爸妈妈带我到宪法大街去看游行。我们在那儿站了一天,回到家的时候,我妈妈的脚累得要死,连做晚饭也做不动了。" 今天我们给大家讲解了两个和脚,也就是英文里的 foot 或者是 feet 有关的俗语。我们讲的第一个俗语是:to get a foot in the door,这是指为了达到一个目的而迈出了第一步。今天我们讲的第二个俗语是: to be dead on one's feet,这是指两只脚非常累。



