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The organization of the passage can best be described as

A. the presentation of an argument followed by the evidence for and against it

B. a description of a phenomenon followed by several possible theories about how it develops

C. the definition of a psychological term followed by a history of its usage

D. an explanation of a process followed by a discussion of its practical applications



In paragraph 6, the author compares the energy costs of vigorous begging with the potential gain in calories from such begging in order to

A. explain why begging for food vigorously can lead to faster growth and increased size

B. explain how begging vigorously can increase an individual’s chance of propagating its own genes

C. point out a weakness in a possible explanation for why nestlings do not always beg vigorously

D. argue that the benefits of vigorous begging outweigh any possible disadvantages

这题,题干中问作者比较信息A和B(compare...with...)的目的,compares the energy costs of vigorous begging with the potential gain in calories from such begging,答案显示,A是解释结果;B是解释趋势,C是指出原因,D是比较结果,可见是直接为了原文“观点“服务。题目又回到了对于文章主旨和观点的阅读范畴。


Which of the following can be inferred from paragraphs 2 and 3 about the Volcanic eruptions of the late first millennium B.C.?

A. They were more frequent than historians once thought.

B. They may have done more damage to Teotihuacán than to neighboring centers.

C. They may have played a major role in the rise of Teotihuacán.

D. They increased the need for extensive irrigation in the Teotihuacán Valley.

这题,题干问某个信息,the Volcanic eruptions of the late first millennium B.C.的推断,答案显示,A是频率,B是损害,C是作用,D增加了某种需求,都是某个信息的发展或者是作用。




Which of the following can be inferred about X?

The author of the passage implies that X…

Which of the following can be inferred from passage 1 about X?


一. 正向推理


例1: Another major discovery was made in Egypt in 1989. Several skeletons of another early whale, Basilosaurus, were found in sediments left by the Tethys Sea and now exposed in the Sahara desert. This whale lived around 40 million years ago, 12 million years after Pakicetus. Many incomplete skeletons were found but they included, for the first time in an archaeocyte, a complete hind leg that features a foot with three tiny toes. Such legs would have been far too small to have supported the 50-foot-long Basilosaurus on land. Basilosaurus was undoubtedly a fully marine whale with possibly nonfunctional, or vestigial, hind legs.

It can be inferred that Basilosaurus bred and gave birth in which of the following locations

A. On land

B. Both on land and at sea

C. In shallow water

D. In a marine environment

题目问的是“可以推理出Basilosaurus 在以下哪个地点繁殖并抚育后代的”,文章里有提到bred and gave birth(繁殖和抚育后代) 之类的词吗?没有。根据这一段最后一句话,Basilosaurus was undoubtedly a fully marine whale with possibly nonfunctional, or vestigial, hind legs.(Basilosaurus 毫无疑问是纯粹的海洋鲸类,可能后腿退化了),那就意味着Basilosaurus一辈子都是在海里,因此我们推理出Basilosaurus繁殖和抚育后代在海洋里,答案选D. 这就是推理题的一种推理思路,文章中讲的是“整体(a fully marine whale)”,题目问的是“部分(bred and gave birth)”,部分具有的特征应该和整体的特征是一致的。

例2: Even the kind of stability defined as simple lack of change is not always associated with maximum diversity. At least in temperate zones, maximum diversity is often found in mid-successional stages, not in the climax community. Once a redwood forest matures, for example, the kinds of species and the number of individuals growing on the forest floor are reduced. In general, diversity, by itself, does not ensure stability. Mathematical models of ecosystems likewise suggest that diversity does not guarantee ecosystem stability—just the opposite, in fact. A more complicated system is, in general, more likely than a simple system to break down.

Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 5 about redwood forests?

A. They become less stable as they mature.

B. They support many species when they reach climax.

C. They are found in temperate zones.

D. They have reduced diversity during mid-successional stages.

题目问的是,以下可以推理出关于redwood forests(红木林)什么,我们首先回到文章去找到redwood forests那句话,Once a redwood forest matures, for example, the kinds of species and the number of individuals growing on the forest floor are reduced. (例如,一旦红木林成熟,物种的数量和单个物种的数量就会减少)。我们看到一个词组for example,这就说明这句话是在举例,这个例子是为了论证前面所提到的观点。往前看,At least in temperate zones, maximum diversity is often found in mid-successional stages, not in the climax community. (至少在温带地区,最大的多样性通常被发现在中间演替阶段,而不是顶级阶段),所以答案选C。前面一句说至少在温带地区…, 后面一句举例说,比如红木林,所以可以推出红木林是在温带地区。(如果红木林不在温带地区,这个例子就没法支持前面的观点)


本文以2015年3次托福考试(1月25日,2月1日,和3月7日)为分析样本。非常值得注意的是阅读和听力,尤其是阅读。 我跟踪了上百次的托福考试内容,共同的感受:做托福真题阅读和TPO阅读,差异非常大。

1. 托福真题阅读VS TPO阅读

2. 托福阅读词汇学习的核心要求:不能脱离语境死背

3. 英语阅读学习的七大核心要素

4. 真题范文及题目解析

5. 范文词汇复习

6. 范文知识点复习 这个分析报告,我是从这六个模块开始展开的 第一点:托福真题阅读VS TPO阅读

A. 真题句型更多样

(1) 并列句Greek philosophers pondered the meaning of nature and its innermost workings ,the relationships between animals and humankind ,and how matter related to spirit.

(2) 同位语结构The philosophy of Aristotle (384-322B.C.) advanced the fundamental notion of nature as the embodiment of everything outside culture ,an essence opposed to art and artificiality.

(3) 插入语和标点符号做解释说明Meanwhile,the suggestion of a state of nature ,wholesome and pure,defined in opposition to civilized life,found acceptance in Aristole’s time through the concept of the Golden Age-a legendary ideal that had significance for landscape planning and artistic experiment.

(4) 状语结构的使用Described by Greek poets and playwrights ,the Golden Age of perpetual spring depicted an era before the adoption of agriculture ,when humans embraced nature’s wonder and communicated with spirits in sacred woods.

(5) 直接引语的使用As the Roman official and writer Pliny the Elder (A.D. 23-79) put it “Trees were the first temples of the gods, and even now simple country people dedicated a tree of exceptional height to a god with the ritual of olden times, and we…worship forests and the very silences they contain.”

(6) 转折结构的使用One could not visit a symbol of peace and serenity, but one could experience these qualities in a sacred grove.

对这3次考试的9篇阅读文章做了对比,发现相比于TPO阅读,有5个变化 上面的例句,是从真题文章里面誊抄下来的,家长可以让孩子读一下,感受一下难度

B. 真题结构更复杂

TPO大部分阅读文章,把每段的开头句阅读完,就可以知道文章的结构和中心思想;真题阅读需要通读全段、全篇,才能真正掌握段落和文章的中心思想 很多同学,在学习TPO的阅读时,习惯了,每个文章只看段落开头句,基于这个来判断文章的内容,确实90%以上的TPO文章都可以通过段首句,来判断文章的意思,但是,真题考试,这个方法“百害无意”。

C. 真题题目更抽象

TPO大部分阅读题目,直接根据原文的某一句话的直观含义就可以找到正确答案;真题题目需要理解段落和文章的中心思想,然后再根据具体句子的意思,判断正确答案 学过托福的学生都知道,托福阅读是固定10种题型的,词汇题,细节题,排除题,指代题,句子改写题,修辞目的题,推理题,句子插入题,文章总结题,图标题

TPO中,一般一篇文章,大部分是词汇题和细节题,这两种题型,都是“傻瓜式”题目,很容易做。每篇文章大概一个推理,一个修辞目的,一个否定题,这三个题的特点是:前两个需求逻辑分析和修辞学基础,后一个题型需要比细节题多的时间去解题 我们用2月1日的托福考试第一篇文章,做一个实例,看一下14道题目的题型分布: 第一题 词汇题 第二题 词汇题 第三题 句子改写题 第四题 修辞目的题 第五题 修辞目的题 第六题 修辞目的题 第七题 推理题 第八题 词汇题 第九题 排除题 第十题 词汇题 第十一题 细节题 第十二题 排除题 第十三题 文本插入题 第十四题 文章总结题 大家注意,4,5,6三道题目,连续考察修辞目的,紧接着7题考推理,9题,12题考两次排除题 这种题目的分布和搭配方式,部分上可以解释一个现象:为什么很多同学在用TPO做模拟测试的时候,阅读分数可以稳定在24分以上,甚至28或是30分,但是真实考试,要低于模拟考试4到6分之多。 一般的解释就是:考试紧张,发挥失常。在我看来,不完全是,发挥失常,是有的,但是,大量的学生出现这个情况,就不正常了。 我从去年发现这个现象之后,就一直在想办法找打根本的原因,费了很大的周折,才收集到了这三套题目的原文的题目,经过比对分析,看到了真正的原因:TPO的题目,尤其是阅读,已经偏离真实考试很远了

D. 真题词汇更高级


spirituality n. 精神生活

ponder vt. 仔细考虑

embodiment n. 体现

artificiality n. 非自然之物

shrine n. 圣地

pantheism n. 泛神论

sturdy adj. 强壮的

emblem n. 象征

judeo-christian adj. 犹太教和__共同拥有的

patrol vt. 巡逻

vandalism n. 故意破坏文物的行为

forbade vt. 禁止

horticultural adj. 园艺的 这一组单词,是我早上做教研的时候,整理下来的一篇文章中出现的部分词汇 大家可以拿给孩子看看,是否认识 这里面有几个词汇:spirituality artificiality pantheism vandalism,如果不放入原文,理解起来,很容易产生偏差 在这里,我还有补充一点,有一个词汇学习思路,我可能和很多托福阅读老师不一样(没有对错,侧重点不一样而已),我听过很多托福阅读老师讲文章和词汇,让学生们把专业名词放下,不用管,比如pantheism,泛神论。因为这样的单词,不影响做托福阅读题目




E.真题段落更长 真题阅读有单段在200词左右的文章 以上五大点,就是我在对比了托福TPO和真题阅读之后,归类的几个核心区别

3. 英语阅读学习的七大核心要素 词汇:基础中的基础 语法:语法不通,速度不快,逻辑不清 结构:英语是一门结构严密的语言体系 解题:阅读考试的分数,是依赖做对多少道题目 修辞:狭义修辞就是比喻、拟人等修辞手段;广义修辞就是“谋篇布局”

逻辑:句子、段落、文章都有清晰的逻辑关系;分析观点以及观点的推理过程,也是一种逻辑能力 文化背景:没有文化背景,可以参加阅读考试;有了文化背景,可以考的更好 这七个模块,是我这十一年多的从业教研之后,浓缩而成的七个模块。我考过了除了年纪因素不让进考场的几乎所有出国英语考试,从SSAT到托福到SAT ACT,再到GRE和GMAT,我发现,没有一个考试,对能力的要求超出这七个模块 原来的托福考试,只要一个学生学完了词汇、语法,结构和解题,阅读就可以考到高分或是满分,现在不行了,对逻辑、修辞和文化背景,尤其是逻辑和修辞,也要学会,至少是入门,才能考出好的成绩

sacred adj. 神圣的

grove n. 小树林

civilization n. 文明

be associated with 和什么联系到一起

spirituality n. 精神生活

recreation n. 娱乐

philosopher n. 哲学家

ponder vt. 仔细考虑

innermost adj. 最深处的

Aristotle n. 亚里士多德

advance vt. 提出

fundamental adj. 根本的

notion n. 概念

embodiment n. 体现

essence n. 精华

oppose to 反对

artificiality n. 非自然之物(the quality of being produced by people and not occurring naturally)

sense n. 感觉

distinct adj. 不同的

opposite n. 对立面

meanwhile adv. 同时

acceptance n. 接受

Golden Age 黄金时代(a period of time during which a very high level of achievement is reached in a particular field of activity, especially in art or literature)

perpetual adj. 永恒的

depict vt. 刻画

adoption n. 采纳

embrace vt. 拥抱

wonder n. 奇迹

Homer n. 荷马

manifest vt. 显示

comprise vt. 包含

intensely adv. 强烈地

mystical adj. 神秘的

association n. 联合

celebrate vt. 庆祝

folk hero 民族英雄

twisted adj. 扭曲的

shrine n. 圣地

altar n. 圣坛

temple n. 神殿

dedicate to 献给

ritual n. 仪式

worship n. 崇拜

veneration n. 崇拜

pantheism n. 泛神论( the religious belief that God is in everything in nature and the universe)

permeate vt. 渗透

utilize vt. 使用

Scandinavian mythology n. 北欧神话

stretch vt. 延伸

bubble vt. 冒泡

eagle n. 鹰

perch vt. 栖息

sturdy adj. 强壮的

branch n. 树枝

celebrate vt. 赞美

separate vt. 分开

signify vt. 表示

permanence n. 持久

wisdom n. 智慧

abstract adj. 抽象的

emblem n. 象征

innocence n. 无罪

despair n. 绝望

symbolic adj. 象征的

judeo-christian adj. 犹太教和__共同拥有的(being historically related to both Judaism and Christianity)

literal adj. 字面上的

confine vt. 限制

celestial adj. 天上的

terrain n. 领域

serenity n. 平静

quality n. 特征

mandate vt. 要求

preservationist n. 保护主义者

measure n. 措施

civil adj. 公民的

restriction n. 限制

code n. 法规

enclosing adj. 封闭的

prevent vt. 阻止

desecrate vt. 亵渎

patrol vt. 巡逻

priest n. 神父

issue vt. 发出

guidance n. 指导

fine n. 罚款

vandalism n. 故意破坏文物的行为

forbade vt. 禁止

dissuade vt. 阻止

penalty n. 罚款

resident adj. 居住的

represent vt. 代表

insulate vt. 隔离

deforestation n. 森林砍伐

erosion n. 侵蚀

urbanization n. 城市化

protect vt. 保护

ecosystem n. 生态系统

destruction n. 破坏

nonetheless adv. 然而

imperfect adj. 有缺点的

encompass vt. 包围

promote vt. 促进

entirely adv. 完全地

conductive to 有利于

conservation n. 保护

routinely adv. 通常地

capture vt. 俘获

sacrifice n. 祭品

witness vt. 见证

horticultural adj. 园艺的

fountain n. 喷泉

trial n. 小路

install vt. 安装

for the benefit of 为了…的利益

realm n. 领域

hariot n. 战车

racing n. 竞赛

argue over 为…争论

revolutionary adj. 革命的

contribute to 有助于

require vt. 要求 这个词表,就是我刚刚分析过程中,使用的范文里面的词汇全部汇编,家长们可以把中文隐去,让学生填写中文,看看他们现在的词汇水平,是否达到了托福真题的词汇要求 托福的话题,今天就分享到这。




❓Which of the following can be inferred about X?

❓The author of the passage implies that X …

❓Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 1 about X ?











如:Paragraph 3 suggests which of the following about the people of Latium? (TPO 7 Ancient Rome and Greece)

定位句:In all probability it was the fertile plain of Latium, where the Latins who founded Rome originated, that created the habits and skills of landed settlement, landed property, landed economy, landed administration, and a land-based society.

推理结果:Agriculture played a significant role in the society.


2) 由抽象到具体的推断

如:Which of the following statements about annual rainfall can be inferred from paragraph 1?(TPO 12 Water in the Desert)

定位句:An annual rainfall of four inches is often used to define the limits of a desert.

推理结果:Areas that receive more than four inches of rain per year are not considered deserts.

依据:“define the limits of a desert”代表着“标尺”作用,

即 >4=❌desert;<4=✅desert.



如:What does the discussion in paragraph 1 of runoff channels in the southern highlands suggest about Mars? (TPO8 Running Water)

定位句:Photographic evidence suggests that liquid water once existed in great quantity on the surface of Mars. Two types of flow features are seen: runoff channels and outflow channels.

推理结果:Large amounts of rain once fell on parts of Mars.

依据:第二句“Two types of flow features are seen”对应于第一句“Photographic evidence”,所以“runoff channels and outflow channels”可以证明“liquid water once existed in great quantity on the surface of Mars."✅答案句中的“rain”是对原文“liquid water”的改写。



常见的对比逻辑词有:not, unlike, in contrast to, however, but, now, 时间/地点。

如,Which of the following can be inferred from paragraph 3 about the solid gypsum layer?(TPO 7 The Geologic History of the Mediterranean)

定位句:Sediment above and below the gypsum layercontained tiny marine fossils, indicating open-ocean conditions.

推理结果:It did not contain any marine fossil.

依据:“above and below the gypsum layer”以地点代表对比,意味着“above and below the gypsum layer”和“the solid gypsum layer”特点不一致,所以在这里添加地点强调两者的不一致性。

你可以把它想象成一个汉堡包夹层结构,上下是面包但中间是肉肉。因此,若“above and below the gypsum layer contained tiny marine fossils”,则“the solid gypsum layer did not contain any marine fossil.”


